Page name: rulers of the world [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-18 08:02:11
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 20
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Ultimate Ruler's [you cant just add ur name here i have to it and by i i mean rit]: [Ritsuka-Kun] & [wolvie] ((woot oh yeah i rule ^^))
2nd in command/weapons fanatic: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Pet 2:
Stable Hand:
Soldier 1:
Soldier 2:
Soldier 3:
Soldier 4:
Soldier 5:
Sub-ruler of EuroAsia:
Sub-ruler of Australia:
Sub-ruler of Antartica:
Sub-ruler of North America:
Sub-ruler of South America:
Sub-ruler of Canada:
Sub-ruler of Africa:
Weapons Specialist:
Interrogation Specialist:
Commercial Handler:
Research Technician: [GlassCasket] (also Grammatical Specialist :D)
Raving Lunatic/Psychological Specialist: [Stephen]

Normal members: For those who dont want a commanding post.

Lowly janitor guy: [Morgoth]

Pick a space but no do not kick others out of there's!

MY BUNNY ARMY! BOW BEFORE IT! (yes you may take a position as a bunny in mai bunny army)

  ... OH NO. 
A hungry wolf came and eated them all.

('')_('') Messed up bunny...seriously

../) /)..
.C(")(") i is sleeping....

/) /)
( . .)
C(")(") Fat Bunny

/) /)
C(")(")<<<<Bling-Bling Bunny

.../) /)...
.( v.v ).
..c(")(")..<<<sad bunny

../) /)..
.C(")(")Bunny on Crack

../) /)..
.C(")(")This is the bunny that saw you naked

../) /)..
.c(")(").<<<i didnt see a thing officer i swear that knife just randomly stabbed him [Ritsuka-Kun] lol well technically not a soldier i be teh ruler of teh world but im still this bunny >:D

../) /)..
.( 'o' ).
.C(")(").<<<bunny who says "I'm Telling Mom!"

../) /)..
C(")(")<<<DEAD BUNNY

../) /)..
.( -.- ).
C(")(")<<annoyed bunny

../) /)..
.C(")(") Happy Bunny

../) /)..
.( . .).
.C(")(") no...i don't want the cookie....i want ur soul

../) /)..
.C(")(") It wasn't me! <-- [wolvie] clearly that's me xD

../) /)..
.c(")(") Dizzy Bunny

( ..)
C(")(")copy him to your profile and help him dominate the world



Mariooo.. is on break for now.


Jewno is the supreme curled up ball of fuzzyness ruler so there :D

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Login problems?

2007-12-03 [A work in progress]: yeah....

2007-12-03 [Orochimaru]: New sponsor. Trojan _ondoms.

2007-12-03 [A work in progress]: okay

2007-12-03 [Orochimaru]: lol

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: I never used Trojans before...

2007-12-04 [zelvrlilly2525]: wat the hell are you talkin about   wait dont tell me i dont want to know

2007-12-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: wrong time to enter the just going to leave now

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: yeah, thats would be a good idea

2007-12-04 [zelvrlilly2525]: yesh it would

2007-12-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: why would it be a good idea?
and lilly i would like for u to end ur sex relationship with BIG GUY!...fuckin pedophile

2007-12-04 [Orochimaru]: who me?

2007-12-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: no...BIG GUY...i dont think he is under 18 and she is only 15....

2007-12-04 [zelvrlilly2525]: okay

2007-12-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: h

2007-12-04 [zelvrlilly2525]: idk

2007-12-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: you havent and i know it!

2007-12-04 [zelvrlilly2525]: havent wat

2007-12-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: grrrrrrrrrrrr

2007-12-04 [Orochimaru]: nani?

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: Exactly.

2007-12-04 [Orochimaru]: ...nande...

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: watashi wa uke-chan

2007-12-04 [Orochimaru]: Watashi wa, Orochimaru-sama.

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: Hai, Orochimaru-sama

2007-12-04 [Orochimaru]: Hai.

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: And now, for other news, a word from our sponsors: McDonnalds, and PETA

2007-12-04 [Orochimaru]: PETA? ano...AH! and Namco, and shojen jump!

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is a sponsor, along with McDonnalds and KFC! (The Irony) And Yay shojen jump! and Namco

2007-12-04 [Orochimaru]: Dear PETA, fuck you, for every animal you wont eat...i'll eat three.

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: Dear PETA, how can you say your pro animals/enviroment, and than drive a big SUV everywhere. 

2007-12-04 [Orochimaru]: Hai...*laughs*

2007-12-04 [A work in progress]: ^^

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: special...and this is what happens when i leave for a bit...all hell breaks loose

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: yes, but hell is good

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: sometimes...but this this is chaos...a hellish chaos...

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: so?

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i dont know

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: What's going on today?
We gotta break away
We got a problem and
I think it's going to make us go down

They think we're all the same
And always we're to blame
For shit I think is lame
It's time to stop the game
I think it's time to pay for everything you made me say

What's going on today?
Why must it be this way?
We're going nowhere and
We're still knocking the need to bow down

They think we're all the same
And always we're to blame
For shit I think is lame
It's time to stop the game
I think it's time to pay for everything you made me say

We are the ones breaking you down
We are the hope to drown out your sounds
All Across the world you think we're to found
All Across the world you're breaking you down

can u say boredom plus thats what im listening to...sweet

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: well without the chorus

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: KORN LYRICS


How did it start?
Well, I dont know.
I just feel the craving.
I see the flesh and it smells fresh.
And it's just there for the taking.
These little girls they make me feel so god damn
I feel them up, I can't give it up.
The pain that I'm just erasing.
I tell my lies and I despise.
Every second I'm with you.
So I run away and you still stay.
So what the fuck is with you.

Your feelings I can't help but rape them.
I'm sorry I don't feel the same.
My heart inside is constantly hating.
I'm sorry I just throw you away.

I don't know why I'm so fucking cold?
I dont know why it hurts me.
All I wanna do is get with you.
And make the pain go away.
Why do I have a conscience?
All it does is fuck with me.
Why do I have this torment?
All I want to do is fuck it away.

I tell my lies and I despise.
Every second I'm with you.
So I run away and you still stay.
So what the fuck is with you.

Your feelings I can't help but rape them.
I'm sorry I don't feel the same.
My heart inside is constantly hating.
I'm sorry I just throw you away.

I just throw you away.
I just throw you away.
I just throw you away.
I just throw you away.

amazing song

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: Hello, this is firefighter 9-25 of Station one in Troy Michigan reporting a Five Alarm Fire on the website called e-l-f-p-a-c-k-.-c-o-m please send back up imediately.

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: heh?

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: number (the number on my helment incase i get burned to death during a fire) is 9-25. and i am reporting a fire on elfpack.

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: what fire?

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: there isn't actually a fire per say, but you said this was a hellish chaos, and hell means fire,,,so i was faking to call my fire department and have them put out the fire

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ah
what kind of music do u listen to

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: anything that won't make me have a head ache.

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: vague...very vague...ya like korn?

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: i guess...dont listen to korn much though. i dont listen to music a lot, im very rarely home

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: thats cool

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: yeah...

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: whooshiness

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: YEah

2007-12-05 [zelvrlilly2525]: why are there lyrics on our wiki

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: because leader-sama decided to put them their

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: and cause they rokc

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: yeah

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: shweet

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: oh yeah oh yeah *says in GIRISH voice*

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: SWEET

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: OH YEAH, OH YEAH

2007-12-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: OH YEAH CARTOONS!

2007-12-05 [A work in progress]: YEAH!!!!!

2007-12-05 [Orochimaru]:


2007-12-06 [A work in progress]: ...

2007-12-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: RULES!

2007-12-06 [zelvrlilly2525]: ...........????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!...............

2007-12-07 [A work in progress]: okay than

2007-12-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: they do

2007-12-07 [A work in progress]: once again...okay than

2007-12-07 [zelvrlilly2525]: no there DUMB

2007-12-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *growls*.....

2007-12-07 [A work in progress]: O_O uh oh...leader sama is upset. *runs to go find a shotgun*

2007-12-10 [zelvrlilly2525]: yesh they is dumb

2007-12-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: thank u least someone is up for a promotion...maybe for general..and someone can become...just a soldier..and yes i can do that..i am supreme ruler.and i rule now

2007-12-10 [A work in progress]: *returns with shotgun*

2007-12-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: good

2007-12-10 [A work in progress]: *hands leader-sama box of ammo and fully loaded shotgun* rule, rule with an iron fist

2007-12-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *takes the shotgun and aims at zelvrlilly2525*....lets see what u think of avenged sevenfold now!

2007-12-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: never mind..anger went away...curse thinking it can be so calming yet at the same time...very very explosive..

2007-12-13 [A work in progress]: than I shall take your shotgun, and put it in storage for later usage.

2007-12-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *hands shotgun over*
im furious! some little shits..decided it would be fucking funny to get in my god damn locker and take my god damn fucking books...those little assholes!

2007-12-14 [A work in progress]: that fucking sucks/

2007-12-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i know...but gladly i found one and teh other one returned to my locker...they are so lucky

2007-12-14 [A work in progress]: oh.

2007-12-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yea so im happy again

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: that works

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: a lot of 'fucking' going on...hmmmm.

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: Hai Orochimaru-sama.

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: ...

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: Yes, there is a lot of 'fucking' going on...just not in that sense.

2007-12-17 [zelvrlilly2525]: *hi* :( im cold

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: burnt...wanna trade?

2007-12-17 [zelvrlilly2525]: lol

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: woot

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: im not burnt...but i am on fire.

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: okay. put yourself out before you set off the sprinklers

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: *sprinklers come on*...too late.

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: ah well

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: *laughs*

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: weird

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: lol.

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: pffftt

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Grawr

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: WEE!!!

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: gigignshrjr

2007-12-17 [A work in progress]: randomness

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: hai.

2007-12-17 [zelvrlilly2525]: hey

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: eh?

2007-12-18 [A work in progress]: um....Orochimaru-sama and I were just babbling...

2007-12-18 [A work in progress]: okay

2007-12-18 [A work in progress]: thats a compliment right?

2007-12-18 [zelvrlilly2525]: wat about me?

2007-12-18 [A work in progress]: ...*sits down and cleans guns*

2007-12-18 [Orochimaru]: *babble*

2007-12-18 [zelvrlilly2525]: *why do i have to change myself*

2007-12-18 [zelvrlilly2525]: do i have to please you?

2007-12-18 [zelvrlilly2525]: okay im sorry but i have been lied to for 15 years and it still is happening now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: I HATE MYSELF

2007-12-18 [zelvrlilly2525]: what pity march  im sorry i said anything

2007-12-18 [A work in progress]: Ya know what, you guys shouldn't be worried about how has life harder okay, just be there for each other and try to get along, so you don't create weird anger issues

2007-12-18 [zelvrlilly2525]: corry"s right

2007-12-18 [A work in progress]: so please don't fight.

2007-12-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: its not that its more of a i try to be nice to other people's maybe help them and then with her its well thats happened to me trying to get her to understand that its the future that counts helping someone and not what happened in the stupid past

2007-12-19 [A work in progress]: well, sometimes people just need time to realize it, sometimes people can't always see the good intentions.

2007-12-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yea...but now what.....i changed my name..i thought about putting Orochimaru's Little Mink but i thought that would give our orochimaru an ego boost or something.....

2007-12-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: we now have a bunny army..just because they will help us rule the world with their country destroying cuteness....hai bunnies!

2007-12-20 [A work in progress]: O_o okay, sure, lets go with that than. *goes and starts cleaning an SR-25* what ever you say leader-sama.

2007-12-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: kool name

2007-12-22 [A work in progress]: thank you

2008-01-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: urs welcome

2008-01-03 [A work in progress]: wootness

2008-01-03 [zelvrlilly2525]: *BOO*

2008-01-04 [A work in progress]: O-.

2008-01-04 [zelvrlilly2525]: *MOO*

2008-01-04 [A work in progress]: Oink

2008-01-04 [zelvrlilly2525]: *insert random word here*

2008-01-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: u cant just insert a random word...cause then its not random enough to even be called random

2008-01-04 [A work in progress]: yeah

2008-01-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: how have u been?

2008-01-04 [A work in progress]: good. you?

2008-01-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: pretty good...though maybe u can help friend on here...has another friend whose bfs a total ass..and only wants her body and doesnt really give a damn about her and he wants to know how to get her to see that
i cant think of anything

2008-01-04 [A work in progress]: send me a private message about it, cause now im confused.

2008-01-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: alright

2008-01-04 [A work in progress]: okay

2008-01-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: so whats up

2008-01-07 [A work in progress]: being stupid. I'm gonna go play pool in a little while. whats up with you?

2008-01-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: nothing much...almost thought i was going to get fired from work

2008-01-07 [zelvrlilly2525]: okay.. iguess im a poser now

2008-01-07 [Orochimaru]: nani?

2008-01-07 [A work in progress]: HUH?

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: what?!...*tackles orochimaru*

2008-01-08 [A work in progress]: i am now confused.

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i knows....

2008-01-08 [zelvrlilly2525]: *ewww* you know what i mean

2008-01-08 [A work in progress]: we did???

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: what me and him do is between me and ha!
and i wouldnt do that here...too public

2008-01-08 [A work in progress]: wait, im lost now...someone help head is going to esplode

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: well what i said is linked im pretty sure with what zelvrlilly said has to do with me tackling orochimaru cause im always making jokes about how she wants to sleep with him which she doesnt.....but then she says i want to..and i say so?
get it?...i explained it the best i could

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: everyone who reads this message
should do my poll..its about my name change

2008-01-08 [A work in progress]: oh makes sense to me now

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: there ya go

2008-01-08 [A work in progress]: yeppers

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yepyepyepyeppers

2008-01-08 [A work in progress]: and now for another commercial

2008-01-08 [zelvrlilly2525]: i...i....i am...confuzzled

2008-01-08 [A work in progress]: i see

2008-01-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ..........*hums the pink panther theme song*....

2008-01-09 [A work in progress]: i like that song

2008-01-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: so do i

2008-01-09 [A work in progress]: ah, pink panther....i love the pink panther

2008-01-09 [zelvrlilly2525]: i love the pink panther

2008-01-09 [A work in progress]: teh pink panther it teh awesomenessssss

2008-01-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ever seen the show?...very retro

2008-01-10 [zelvrlilly2525]: i want too see it...i saw the movie though

2008-01-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: its not based off of the movie

2008-01-10 [zelvrlilly2525]: i know that

2008-01-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: then why mention the movie

2008-01-10 [Orochimaru]: pink panther rocks. any who dont agree will be punished.

2008-01-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: thats right!

2008-01-10 [Orochimaru]: you should listen to maximum the hormone.

2008-01-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: who?...

2008-01-10 [Orochimaru]: its japanese metal. it fucking rocks my socks.

2008-01-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i will so look them up then

2008-01-10 [Orochimaru]: yeah go to youtube and type in 'maximum the hormone - whats up people?'

2008-01-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: alright
i'll have to do that later cause i left my my locker....i'll do it after school

2008-01-10 [Orochimaru]: lol...kk. its really hardcore.

2008-01-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: my friend introduced me into j-rock with the band dir en grey

2008-01-10 [Orochimaru]: thats cool.

2008-01-10 [A work in progress]: yep

2008-01-11 [zelvrlilly2525]: my socks....

2008-01-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: you have no idea who dir en grey even dont even..

2008-01-11 [zelvrlilly2525]: i said my socks...i thought that was funny...i dont care who dir en grey is

2008-01-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: you should! they are only one of the greatest j-rock bands ever!

2008-01-11 [zelvrlilly2525]: okay..i find them and listen to them

2008-01-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: thats right...well u might have to go borders or hot topic out at the mall

2008-01-14 [A work in progress]: coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllio

2008-01-14 [zelvrlilly2525]: okay

2008-01-14 [A work in progress]: i know. i puts an ugly pic of me up in my Firefighter gear

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